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Ascension Island 999

Ascension Island is an isolated volcanic island spanning an area 91 kilometres square located in the equatorial waters of the South Atlantic Ocean around 1,600 kilometres from the coast of Africa; 2,250 kilometres from the coast of South America and 6745.11 kilometres `southwest` of London in the United Kingdom.
Ascension Island is part of a British Overseas Territory along with St Helena and Tristran da Cunha.
There is no indigenous life on Ascension. A contract of employment is a requirement to stay on the island. The population comprises of the manpower and the persons who manage the organisations on the island; plus their families. Unemployment and poverty are non existent. The estimated population of the island is around 880 with the bulk of all the essential services located in the capitol Georgetown.
The island is the location of Wideawake Airfield which is a joint facility of the United States Air Force and the Royal Air Force; a European Space Agency rocket tracking station and the BBC World Service Atlantic Relay Station. Various antennas exist on the island in the operation of the Global Positioning System (GPS).
This album features images from their core emergency services taken on my visits to Ascension Island in 2009, 2011 and May 2012.

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